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CTE Gives Back! July 2021



It was in 1973 that the Mill Creek Zeta Tau Chapter became an official chapter of Tri Kappa, a unique Greek service organization located exclusively in the State of Indiana.  The mission of this philanthropic group is “to bring women into close, unselfish relationships for the promotion of charity, culture, and education”. 

The initial Tri Kappa chapter was founded in 1901 and now is part of the statewide network of 243 chapters.   With 7,725 members throughout 243 chapters, over

300, 000 hours are spent each year on philanthropic endeavors.  The local chapters collectively contribute approximately $1.5 million dollars annually to charities, cultural establishments, and college students in Indiana.  Each chapter conducts special projects locally to support the three goals.

It is with great pride that Cable Tie Express is pleased to be providing our July CTE Gives Back! charity dollars to this amazing organization where members are truly committed to something bigger than themselves.

For more information about the statewide philanthropic group or its individual chapters, please visit