
CTE Gives Back! July 2022


“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.  If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”  Many have heard this quote but one nonprofit organization, Rapha Road out of Noblesville IN, has enabled a similar opportunity with beneficial results for lifelong healing for sober men in addiction recovery. 

Kevin Mangins, founder of Rapha Road, started the 501© after seeing men leaving a treatment center in Indiana without a safe and sober place to live or employment.  That vision led to the formation and mission of Rapha Road: “Rapha Road exists to provide a safe place for sober men in addiction recovery to live while also providing full time employment.  Rapha Road equips residents with the required skills to live a productive life, all while experiencing the freedom that only comes from a personal relationship with Rapha, God the Healer.”

Rapha Road and its residential homes is just one spoke of the wheel as Hope Grows, the parent company, provides yet another spoke with landscape, lawn, and light construction training.  Each year a group of 10-12 men recovering from addiction and who have completed at least 30 days of sobriety live in one of two Rapha Road homes and begin what Kevin refers to as “Rest Stops”.   During Rest Stop #1, the first six months, they are taught “how” to be sober.  This includes day to day living, bible study, group therapy, and training in a trade.  Rest Stop #2 focuses on transition into independent sober living.  Getting a driver’s license and/or making plans for long term housing and employments may be part of this stage.  Rest Stop #3 is the final destination for the residents, having fulfilled their yearlong commitment to stay safe and sober.

 Following this year in a successful manner, the men are given the assistance to move ahead in the next stage of their recovery, including the opportunity to remain employed by Hope Grows.  With this next step and with whatever decision each man personally makes, openings are made for others fighting addition.   So the cycle continues in an ongoing and most positive way!

At this time of year with landscaping needs at their peak and with opioid and addiction challenges reaching unprecedented numbers, it is with great pride and satisfaction that Cable Tie Express is happy to provide its charity dollars this month to Rapha Road. 

For more information on Rapha Road and to view its “WE BELIEVE” statements, please go to